Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Continuum: Journal of Media and Cultural Studies

Continuum is the journal affiliated with the Cultural Studies Association of Australia (CSAA).

They've been around for a couple of decades, publishing around 6 peer-reviewed issues a year. They claim to be a venue for new voices and renowned scholars, looking at "new areas for investigation" and "new agendas for enquiry." The papers they print might engage with teaching or thinking about media and culture, but they're generally expected to focus on the "relationship between media texts and wider questions of culture."

Stated themes and issues:
  • communities, publics, nations
  • taste and value
  • international mediascapes
  • policy, industry, academic interventions
  • disciplinary issues in history, media studies, cultural studies, philosophy, visual arts
  • technologies, identities, cultures

As all the above suggests, the articles in the journal tend to hone in on particular media texts as an entry point into broader cultural and social issues, but in a way that reads these texts not simply as indicators or symptoms but looks at the kind of work they do and how they do it. The emphasis on media tends to lead to a lot work (including themed issues) on various facets of popular culture, particularly film and television.

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